Planning For Water at TWENTY65 Thought Leadership Club Workshop
On Tuesday January 23, BEGIN will co-host the Thought Leadership Club Workshop, ‘Planning for Water’, at the University of Sheffield. The free workshop is the result of a partnership between Town and Country Planning Association’s Raynsford Review of Planning, TWENTY65 and BEGIN, to bring an opportunity for stakeholders concerned about water management, to contribute to the Raynsford Review 2018.
The Raynsford Review of Planning was set up to identify how the British Government can reform the English planning system to make it fairer, better resourced and capable of producing quality outcomes, while still encouraging the production of new homes.
During the workshop, attendees will focus on how the current land use planning system either supports or hinders good water management and what powers future land-use planning would have if it is to support sustainable water management.
This is an opportunity for academics, supply chain companies, policy makers, water companies, and trade associations to get together and discuss the next vital steps to bolster water management.
Participants in the workshop will have the chance to contribute their perspectives and opinions on the effects of heavily deregulated planning and how to deliver better placemaking. Furthermore, they will be a part of the collaboration informing the Raynsford Review 2018, ensuring the evaluations of the UK water sector are included, informing the next 50 years and beyond.
Register for the workshop here.