Leading Water Management Author supports the BEGIN project

21 August 2017 - Published by Ellen Kelder

Dr. Liz Sharp, author of Reconnecting People with Water and senior lecturer at the University of Sheffield, has stated her enthusiasm towards the BEGIN project.  


“One of the exciting things about the BEGIN project”, says Dr. Sharp, “is that it involves cities trying to reconnect people with water across Europe.  In BEGIN, unlike in lots of development processes, water is recognised as both a challenge and an opportunity.  We have to manage water well to keep our cities functioning, but if we embrace the opportunities it offers it can also add beauty and nature to our daily lives."  

Dr. Sharp’s book, Reconnecting People with Water explores the changing ways that organisations and the public interact in the governance of urban water.  Its core argument is that the technocratic ideal of a fully functioning but invisible water system is giving way to a world in which the public - water users, residents, river-side dog-walkers, among many others – can emerge as co-designers and co-managers of ecologically and economically more sustainable water systems. 


Covering water supply, water quality management, flood management and water in the landscape, the book charts the emergence of our current water systems, exploring contemporary challenges, and examining a range of responses to those challenges.


BEGIN partners, stakeholders and supporters can receive a 20% discount from Reconnecting People with Water by quoting the code FLR40  and purchasing through the publishers’ website