BEGIN partners meet to present blue-green development of Norwegian district
On the 15th and 16th of May, BEGIN project partners will attend a meeting in Bergen. It will be opened by Anna Elisa Tryti, Bergen’s councilwoman for urban development, at Vestlandet Høgskulen, Inndalsveien 28 on Wednesday the 15th of May at 9.00 AM.
BEGIN’s work in Bergen is based in Mindmyren, an area extending from Solheimsvannet in the north to Kristianborgvannet in the south. A development plan including 550,000 square meters of new buildings has been accepted for the area. In addition to extending the city’s light rail services, the canal that currently runs underground will be excavated, becoming an open-air waterway. The plans have also set aside 35,000 square meters for new squares and parks. This will all help Mindmyren transform into an entirely new district.
Mindmyren has been divided into 25 development areas. At the meeting on Wednesday, a number of private actors, developers and architects will come together to discuss their plans to use blue-green infrastructure to create attractive outdoor spaces. There will be updates on the Bergen Light Rail’s developments and the open canal planning. To find out more about the Mindmyren development plans, please click here.