Hamburg, Agency for Roads, Bridges and Waters

Project vision

Water management of the City of Hamburg aims at mitigating flood risk and at enhancing the ecological status of water bodies while keeping the local water budget as close to nature as possible. Within BEGIN, knowledge shall be enhanced to increase awareness of citizens and acting authorities towards blue green infrastructure solutions. Flood models will be used for early assessment of feasibility and benefits of measures. Additionally, pressure on utilization created by differing requirements of citizens and other stakeholders shall be lowered by showing that blue green infrastructure measures along water bodies are capable to mitigate this pressure.

 The Hamburg Climate Plan 2015 is setting the frame: ¨The Climate Plan commits to setting the course for adaptation to climate change in good time and, in particular, takes on the challenge of implementing water management concepts aimed at minimizing damage from flooding and heavy rainfall events to persons, property and the environment in the coming decades.”

Partner background

Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany with 1.8 Million inhabitants. It comprises an area of 755 km², of which 8% are open waters. Its large port and its location make it an important transport and industry hub in northern Europe.

Hamburg has vast experience with Blue Green Infrastructure (BGI) and water management. First implementation of BGI in urban planning dates back until 1984. Since then numerous projects were launched and climate adaption strategies were elaborated, implemented or fostered.

Selected past projects on relevant topics are RISA, KLIMZUG-NORD, SAWA, KLIQ and Urban Water Cycle. Overall aim is to mitigate flood risk and enhance the ecological status of water bodies, whilst keeping the local water budget as close to nature as possible.Integrating climate mitigation and climate adaptation will be fundamental components of a shared society and urban development.

Hamburg considers itself as “Green City by the Water” and has experience, will and perspective towards a sustainable urban development.


Schleusengraben Bergedorf

Image top: Schleuse Fuhlsbüttel

Image bottom: Schleusengraben Bergedorf


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