by Jayna Connelly, Lucy Capstick, John Holland (Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust)

Illustrations by Anne-Lieke Faber

Your flower strips and hedges are colourful habitats

With this poster we aim to inspire land managers to support pollinators and other wildlife with flower strips and hedges throughout the year. We provide concise habitat management recommendations per season for wildflower areas and hedges. In each season you can find the main plant species, pollinators and other wildlife for which you can provide habitat on your farmland.

Transform your land into the colourful, lively home for pollinators and other wildlife which not only benefit the whole ecosystem but you and your crops as well!

Above you can find detailed instructions to establish wildflower areas and recommendations for their management.

You can print the single seasons in A4 format and combine them to the whole year on your wall.

The poster is available to download here: in EnglishDutch or German
