Webinar - Herb-rich Grasslands, 19th June 2023
A main driver of pollinator decline is land-use intensification, in particular the loss of semi-natural, extensively managed and nectar-rich grasslands. These grasslands are a main habitat for pollinating insects, providing food and other resources for bees, butterflies, and also many other insects. The replacement of semi-natural habitat by intensively managed monocultured grassland has led to widespread habitat loss and fragmentation for pollinators and other grassland insects, contributing to their declines in the agricultural landscapes.
How can we view this and how can we help the pollinator landscape to provide these resources again?
Learn about the value of reestablishing diverse herb-rich grasslands, their benefits for pollinators, biodiversity and farmers as well as and the management of those meadows. Our project partners from Germany and the Netherlands share their expertise and learnings from 4 years of the BEESPOKE project.
15:30-15:40 Welcome by Jan-Willem van Kruyssen, BEESPOKE Communication Manager
Introducing the BEESPOKE project
15:40-15:50 Johannes Leins, Grünlandzentrum Niedersachsen/Bremen (DE)
The benefits of biodiversity in the context of grassland management
15:50-16:00 Arjen Strijkstra, Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences (NL)
Herb richness and insects in grasslands: diversity, numbers and sizes
16:00-16:10 Regine Albers, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (DE)
Grassland diversity pays - tasty food for cows and insects
16:10-16:20 Dirk Albach, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (DE)
Management of (more) diversity in intensively used grassland
16:20-16:30 Q & A session
Time for conversation & your questions