This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Priority 1: Thinking growth

Our projects in Priority 1 strengthened the flow of knowledge across sectors, borders and divides to help generate growth and quality jobs, especially in small to medium enterprises.

We supported projects that looked at new frameworks for knowledge transfer and business support. Recognising the role of the public sector in generating growth, our projects also explored public service innovation and how public investments can help stimulate innovation.

Thematic objective

Strengthening research, technological development and innovation.

Specific objectives

  1. Develop new or improved knowledge partnerships between businesses, knowledge institutions, public administrations and end users with a view to long-term cooperation (post project) on developing products and services.
  2. Enhance regional innovation support capacity to increase long-term innovation levels and support smart specialisation strategies.
  3. Stimulate the public sector to generate innovation demand and innovative solutions for improving public service delivery.