This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Green transport and mobility

Thanks to its deep-water ports, the North Sea Region is the international trade hub for most of Europe. The transport sector provides a major contribution to the region’s economy while also adding to the region's carbon footprint.

Our projects developed innovations to reduce emissions, improve air quality and relieve congestion for healthier cities and more efficient flows of goods.

The focus was to shift large volumes of freight away from long-distance road haulage and improve the performance of the shipping industry with zero carbon fuels, green technologies, and more efficient transport hubs. Some projects also explored sustainable mobility options for passengers, such as cycling, shared mobility and combined mobility.

Thematic objective

Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures.

Specific objectives

  1. Develop demonstrations of innovative and/or improved transport and logistics solutions with potential to move large volumes of freight away from long-distance road transportation.
  2. Stimulate the take-up and application of green transport solutions for regional freight and personal transport.


Top image: Stronger Combined