This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

Our priority themes

In the VB programme period, our funds were allocated within four main priority themes of key importance in the North Sea Region. All projects fell within one of these priorities. To learn more about each theme, click the icons below.

The background for choosing these priorities is further outlined in the official VB Interreg North Sea Region Programme document or the more easy-to-read Citizen Summary.


undefined     Priority 1: Thinking growth
Priority 1 projects build strong partnerships and innovation capacity, with a special focus on small and medium sized companies and public service delivery.
Learn more 
Priority 2: Eco-innovation
Priority 2 projects accelerate the region's circular economy, development of green products and services, and the green energy transition.
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Priority 3: Sustainable North Sea Region
Priority 3 projects catalyse climate resilience, ecosystem management, blue growth, and maritime spatial planning.
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Priority 4: Green transport and mobility
Priority 4 projects foster sustainable freight and passenger transport, shared mobility and accessibility.
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 Top images: Jon Kline/Pixabay, Ant Rozetsky/Unsplash, Markus Spiske/Unsplash & Colourbox