This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

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Watch recorded webinars for new projects

18 June 2020 - Published by Anne Sofie Forfang

Recordings of our two webinars for recently approved projects on 11 June are now available. 

The webinars cover activity reporting and finance and State aid, respectively. Each webinar was attended by more than 60 delegates, who used the chatbox extensively to have their questions answered. 

If you were unable to join or would like to refresh your learning, you can now watch the recordings to catch up at your own leisure:

Watch webinar on activity reporting

In the full progress report, should we also sum up the results metntioned in the first basic progress report? Do I need an FLC for a basic progress report in which I do not do financial reporting? Watch the webinar to see the answers to these and many other questions. 

Download the presentation used for this webinar


Watch webinar on finance and State Aid

Can we report expenditures from previous reporting periods in the current period? How to deal with personal data for staff costs in the annex? The webinar brought clarity on a number of questions about financial management.