Upcoming events - save the dates
The events below are planned for early next year. We recommend you mark your calendar now, if any of these events are relevant for you.
Registrations will open as soon as the details are fully arranged. Registration openings will be announced here at the website and via the Online Monitoring System.
Interwork event in Germany
The next Interwork event is scheduled to take place in Germany 16-17 January 2018.
This event provides project developers with the opportunity for feedback on project ideas and guidance on submitting a full application. It is also a unique opportunity for applicants to network and learn from each other.
Please note that an approved expression of interest is a prerequisite for submitting a full application under Call 5, which will be open 29 December 2017 - 5 March 2018.
Transnational reporting training seminar in Denmark
Our next training seminar on project reporting is scheduled to take place on 22 February 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The training is tailored to help projects manage their progress reporting, including finance and activity reporting. Since all beneficiaries need to be engaged in the reporting process, we strongly encourage Lead Beneficiaries as well as beneficiaries to participate. Other parties may also benefit from joining, e.g. first level controllers may attend in order to gain insight into the reporting process from a lead beneficiary/ beneficiary perspective.
The seminar is relevant for participants from all member states involved in reporting of projects.
First level control seminar in Denmark
A First Level Control seminar will be organised in Copenhagen on 21 February 2018. This seminar facilitates efficient cooperation between the first level controller and the project, and brings participants up-to-date on applicable national and programme rules.
The training is designed for first level controllers, lead beneficiaries, beneficiaries, and other parties involved in financial reporting and control of projects.
Participants should be from Denmark as national rules and regulations will be addressed.