This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

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State of Play: Watch the webinar

10 September 2020 - Published by Lise Espersen

On 10 September we hosted a short webinar with 65 participants providing an update on the development of the new North Sea Region Programme.

The webinar featured presentations from the Joint Secretariat outlining the current state of play of the new programme and preliminary conclusions from the stakeholder consultations.

Participants were also informed about different ways to get involved with the development of the new programme including: the public consultation, feedback on the online monitoring system and LinkedIn stakeholder exchange group.

Participants made use of the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the webinar. These ranged from reflections about the initial analysis of the public consultation to some more practical issues related to a first call for projects in the new programme. 

Download the presentation

Watch the State of Play Webinar