This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

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Sharing knowledge and ideas on Twitter

21 August 2015 - Published by Rikke Sørensen
Who do you follow on Twitter to stay updated on your area of expertise? Let us know and help us facilitate knowledge sharing on social media.

Staying updated on your professional area of interest can be challenging with busy work days and ever increasing amounts of information being shared online. 

For this reason, a key communication objective for the programme in 2014 - 2020 is to support our project community by ensuring easy access to relevant information.

The first initiative is to build Twitter lists for each of our four priorities: Thinking growth, Eco-innovation, Sustainable North Sea Region and Green transport and mobility. The Twitter lists can be used as your daily news feed and a tool to meet and engage with like-minded professionals.

What is a Twitter list?
A Twitter list is a curated list of users on the social media channel Twitter. By subscribing to the North Sea Region Programme list or lists of your choice, you can view a stream of Tweets from the users on the list and this way get an easy overview of relevant conversations and new knowledge.

We need your help
The quality and relevance of our Twitter lists depend on you - our subject matter experts. If you have a good suggestion for accounts to add to our Twitter lists, please email Communications Advisor Rikke Soerensen ( or tell us on Twitter using @NorthSeaRegion. Don't forget to let us know which priority the account is relevant for.

Responding to stakeholder feedback

Stakeholder interviews in connection with our ongoing evaluation has revealed a need for programme facilitation of knowledge sharing and communities of practice. To meet this need, the programme intends to make more strategic use of its social media channels, for example by moderating Twitter lists.

The final evaluation report is being drafted and will be published on our website once finalised. 

Photo: Meet and Think networking at the North Sea Conference 2015 in Assen, NL.