This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

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Share your ride to the North Sea Conference 2016

15 April 2016 - Published by Rikke Sørensen
Network on the go, save Co2 and enter to win a prize. If you are travelling to Billund by car there is much to gain by sharing your ride.

Travelling to the North Sea Conference by car? This year, we support ride-sharing to Billund by offering a tool for those of you going by car or looking for a ride. Sharing a ride is a unique opportunity to meet and network before and after the conference, while at the same time reducing your carbon emissions.

If that's not incentive enough, we encourage ride-sharers to make a small film with their mobile phones while on the road. Your ride-share films will be shown at the conference and the best film receives a small prize.

Start sharing
To offer a ride to Billund or register to look for rides, go to the North Sea Conference website. We wish you a safe and fun journey to the North Sea Conference 2016.

Ride-sharing to the North Sea Conference is an initiative of the SHARE-North project, a new North Sea Region Programme project focused on shared mobility solutions. The photo is from CARE-North, a predecessor to the SHARE-North project.