This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

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Projects, get involved in the North Sea Conference 2021!

27 September 2021 - Published by Femke Boersma

Last week we opened the registration for the North Sea Conference. There are plenty of opportunities to interact and learn but we would like to highlight how ongoing projects of the North Sea Region Programme can get involved.


Day 1 Scoop the impact 

Do you have great project achievements to share? Have you managed to make an impact outside your project community? Then we ask you to get involved in the 'Scoop the Impact' event on November 23.  

What is the day about?

We aim to showcase the best achievements of North Sea Region projects and share how to best reach and have an impact on people outside your project partnership, from citizens to policy-makers.  

What is on the agenda? 

You will be on the agenda! We invite projects to set up a dive. A 'dive' takes 20 minutes and presents project achievements and capitalisation efforts in an interesting way. A 'dive' can be in the form of an interview, workshop, showcase or any form that projects see fit. As long as its focus is on the mobilisation of others, outside of the project partners and presents tangible examples and interesting outcomes.  

Who should participate? 

Our events team is planning a physical event and invites our whole project community to share project achievements. We are looking for project partners that are keen to host a 'dive'. If you are interested in presenting your achievements (we will definitely assist you here), we would like to hear from you.  

What is in for me?

This capitalisation event provides you with a platform to present your project outcomes to a big group of stakeholders. On top of that, you will have the possibility to interact with ongoing projects in similar fields. Last but not least you will be provided with capitalisation tips. 

If you would like to contribute to this exciting day with a dive, we ask you to submit the below form. We will then get back to you to prepare together. All those involved in projects are welcome to contribute, dives will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. We are looking for people that can make it to Brugge, so reaching out to project partners in the region might be a good start.  


Day 2 All aboard!

On November 24 the conference will feature an exhibition of the North Sea Region projects. The exhibition will be situated in the foyer of the main venue (The Concert Hall in Bruges). 

We ask projects to bring a small object as a teaser to the project. The object should fit onto a high networking table. There will also be place for a roll up or other promotional material and a power socket for your own laptop. 

If you are interested in showcasing your project as part of the exhibition please complete the form below. There are 20 places available so it will be first-come-first-serve.

Update 14 October 2021: Please note that the options to get involved are now fully booked.