This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

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North Sea Conference registration update

23 March 2022 - Published by Lise Espersen

There has been a lot of interest in the North Sea Conference 2022 since we opened for registration on Monday.

Seats have been filling up fast, and the main conference on 24 May is now fully booked. We sincerely wish we could accommodate more people.

However, there is still space available at the welcome dinner and two North Sea Region events - Scoop the Impact on 23 May and Get Ready on 25 May. 

You can read more about these events and register for them here

Waiting for response on your enquiry?

Please bear with us - we have received a large number of enquiries. We will come back to you next week with a response.



Photo: The Concert Hall in Bruges