This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

About us

North Sea community as motivated as ever

21 January 2019 - Published by Anne Sofie Forfang

Approximately 100 delegates from across the North Sea Region gathered at the Interwork event organised in The Hague 16-17 January.  The aim of this event was to inspire and equip project developers to apply for North Sea Region funding.

The meeting was therefore designed to be highly interactive, with lots of hands-on exercises in between talks explaining the promises and pitfalls of applying for  North Sea Region funding, including the mandatory project intervention logic.


Participants also had the chance to pitch and discuss many exciting new project ideas - ranging from earthquake response to artificial reef construction in the North Sea and large data centre emissions control.

Even during breaks, the venue buzzed with activity as delegates took the opportunity to network with each other and find new project partners. 

Throughout the event, the entire Joint Secretariat and five National Contact Points were available for providing feedback and support to project developers. 


The event brought newcomers together with seasoned North Sea Region project developers, and the community proved as vigorous and enthusiastic as ever. We are looking forward to the applications!

> See the event presentations

> See pictures from the event


Join Call 10 for expressions of interest

If you are looking for funding for a transnational project in the North Sea Region, take the opportunity to obtain funding this year. Due to our two-step application process, the success rate of full applications is very high (above 70%), whereas the first step - the expression of interest -  requires a limited amount of workYou can submit your expression of interest in Call 10 until 8 April 2019. 

> Learn more and submit your application


Photos by Annemieke Feikens (top and bottom image) & Sarah Holsen (middle image).