Go-ahead for 14 new projects
On 21 and 22 September, the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg North Sea Programme 2021-2027 convened for the second time. One of the Committee's top tasks was to decide on the fate of the 24 full applications submitted in Call 1.
Today, the Committee has approved fourteen applications for projects that will propel the North Sea Region into a more sustainable future. They focus on a range of exciting topics, from innovating home care systems to urban biodiversity and chemical emissions from offshore wind farms.
High rate of approval
For the full applications in Call 1, the approval rate is 58%. Together with the previous decisions on small-scale projects in Call 1, the success rate for all applicants in the first call is 63%. These numbers are similar to the approval rates seen in the VB programme period.
Overview of funding allocations
The decisions made today allocate €45.5 million in ERDF funding and nearly €2.2 million in Norwegian funding. With the previous approvals of small-scale projects, the total allocation of funds in Call 1 reaches nearly €48.6 million.
Below is an overview of allocations to regular projects in Call 1, broken down per priority.
With these decisions, nearly 30% of the available European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funding has been earmarked for the approved projects. However, with over 70% of the ERDF budget remaining, there is still lots of opportunity for new applicants to engage in the programme.
Approved projects per priority
At this point, 17 projects have been approved, three small-scale projects and 14 regular projects. The share of each priority is seen below.
Best of luck to the new projects!
With Call 1 concluded, 14 new forward-looking projects can begin their journey to innovate and improve the state of affairs within areas that really matter in the North Sea Region. We cannot wait to see what exciting solutions they will bring to life. From our heart, we wish them all smooth sailing!
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PRIORITY 1: Robust economies |
ACE: Accelerating the Home Care Innovation Ecosystem of the Future in the North Sea Region |
CR Connected River |
D4A Data for All. Data-driven Public Service Delivery in the North Sea Region |
SIRR Sustainability, Innovation and Resilience in Rural areas |
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PRIORITY 2: Green transitions |
REDII Ports Renewable Energy Development and Intelligent Implementation in PORTS |
Active Cities: Active mobility increased for sustainable zero-carbon urban multimodality, through human-centric planning, mobility hubs and behaviour change |
SN2 SHARE-North Squared |
ShareDiMobiHub Shared and Digital Mobility Hubs |
SMALL Shared Multimodal Mobility For ALL |
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PRIORITY 3: Climate resilience, biodiversity and pollution |
Blue Transition How to make my region climate resilient |
MANABAS COAST MAinstreaming NAture BAsed Solutions through COASTal systems |
Anemoi Chemical emissions from offshore wind farms: assessing impacts, gaps and opportunities |
Biodiverse Cities Accelerating action for BIODIVERSity Enhancement in CITIES to benefit nature and people |
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PRIORITY 4: Better governance
FREIIA Facilitating Resilience Embracing Islands Innovation Approaches |