This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

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Get funding for your project idea: Apply now

11 March 2019 - Published by Anne Sofie Forfang

If you need funding for your project idea, why not join our Call 10 for expressions of interest? 

The two-step application process allows you to test the waters via a smooth and easy initial step. The process of submitting an expression of interest is fairly straightforward, with simple procedures and limited need for detailed information.

If your expression of interest is approved, you are eligible to join the second step and submit a full application for your idea. Whilst this is a more comprehensive process, the rate of approval is high - our last call for final applications saw an 80% approval rate.  

Priority themes

All North Sea Region Programme funded projects fall within one of our four priority themes, covering a  wide array of topics. You need to apply under one of these priorities. 


Priority 1: Thinking growth                                                                          
Builds strong partnerships and innovation capacity, with a special focus on SMEs and public service delivery. Learn more

undefined   Priority 2: Eco-innovation
Accelerates the circular economy, green products and services, and the green energy transition. Learn more

undefined   Priority 3:Sustainable North Sea Region  
Catalyses climate resilience, ecosystem management, blue growth, and maritime spatial planning. Learn more

undefinedundefined   Priority 4: Green transport and mobility  
Fosters sustainable freight and passenger transport, shared mobility, and accessibility. Learn more

Apply with success

To up your  chances of approval, please make clear how and why your project idea matters. What challenges and opportunities does it address? What is new or innovative about your idea, and how does it complement other related initiatives? Also, since North Sea Region projects are transnational in scope, you need to explain why your project needs a transnational dimension. We recommend you to keep in mind that your reviewers are not experts in your field and still need to understand the central idea of your project. Although your expertise is key to implementing the project, you shold try to avoid technical jargon and instead present your idea in the most straightforward way possible in the application form.

You may consult the relevant Project Advisors at the Joint Secretariat until 3 weeks before the deadline for applications. After this date, the Secretariat can only provide answers to strictly technical questions, however you can still contact our National Contact Point for feedback. 

Call 10 closes on 8 April, so you still have plenty of time to submit a good proposal. 

Learn more and apply in Call 10