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Future programme: A note on project advice

20 August 2021 - Published by Femke Boersma

We know many would like to start preparing new projects for the future North Sea programme. At the secretariat we are very excited to see project ideas being developed and advancing. We would like to explain to you why, at this stage, we refrain from giving advice on specifics of the programme or on how your project could fit in the new programme. 

Where we are

The preparations for the new North Sea Programme have been underway for some time and have progressed to a quite advanced level. The new programme is currently undergoing internal ministerial consultations in all the participating countries. Once this is completed and the various comments are taken on-board, the programme will be submitted to the European Commission for approval. It is anticipated that this will happen towards the end of the year. 

Our limitations

Two major steps limit us in giving advice at this stage. Firstly, the programme is not finished and there will be adjustments of the content. This could be as a result of the ministerial consultations and/or as a result of changes requested by the Commission. Secondly, the more detailed set up e.g. the application form, the Fact Sheets and the new OMS is still work-in-progress and will be subject to change. In other words, whilst we are almost there in terms of getting the new programme ready, it is still a movable feast and if we get too detailed in our communication we risk to send our potential applicants in the wrong direction and waste your time and efforts.

What we will do

We will provide all the information needed as quickly as possible but only when we are certain that it will not change significantly. It is our prime objective to be as transparent as possible but also to avoid providing you with uncertain information. With this in mind we kindly ask you all to be patient for a little while longer. 

If you have questions, please reach out, just know that we cannot always give you an answer.




//Photo by Marvin meyer, Unsplash