Fully Booked!
After great interest the North Sea Conference 2021 is fully booked. We are really pleased about the high level of interest although we wish we could take more participants on board.
What is available?
Some space is still available in the North Sea Commission only events; their Annual Business meeting and two study visits. You can read more about those here.
Spaces are also available at the Welcome Dinner on the 23 November.
If you would like to join these please contact the secretariat at info@northsearegion.eu and we will register you specifically for these events.
Waiting List
Since there is such interest in the event we have opened up a waiting list system. If you would like to attend but did not manage to register please contact the secretariat at info@northsearegion.eu and we will add you to this list.
For registered participants
Please do let us know if you are unable to make the event after all. We very much appreciate you telling us so that your space can be allocated to someone on the waiting list.
To learn more about the event and keep up with the latest updates, keep an eye on the conference webspace.