Calls 5 and 6 - preparing your applications
Call 5 for full applications
Call 5 will be open for the preparation of full applications from Friday 29 December 2017 - 8 February 2018
The submission of full applications will be open from Friday 9 February - Monday 5 March 2018. Note: Applications must be based on expressions of interest approved by our Steering Committee.
Call 6 for expressions of interest
Call 6 will be open for the preparation of expressions of interest from Friday 29 December 2017.
The submission dates for the expressions of interest are subject to confirmation by our Monitoring Committee. The dates that are set in our online monitoring system are therefore only preliminary.
We advise you to start putting together your expression of interest as soon as possible, so that you have ample time to develop a convincing presentation of your idea. Submitting your expression of interest is a simple, but mandatory first step in your project application process.
Your expression of interest must be approved by our Steering Committee before you can move on to the next step and submit a full application. Project applications that are not based on an approved expressions of interest will be rejected. Timely submission of your idea is therefore crucial if you wish to obtain funding for your project within the next year.