This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

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Book a consultation with a project advisor ahead of applying for Call 1

10 January 2022 - Published by Femke Boersma

If you have questions about your project idea or would like feedback from the Joint Secretariat, you can book a dedicated consultation with a project advisor via this link.

Here are the remaining availabilities for this month and for the following priorities:

- Priority 1: January 11, 20 and 25

- Priority 2: January 11, 20 and 25

- Priority 4: January 13 and 18

Please remember that the Joint Secretariat is not allowed to provide feedback on the content of project ideas three weeks before the submission deadline. This means that for expression of interest  and for small scale projects, the deadline for feedback is February 11 and for full applications, March 31. However, the National Contact Points can provide feedback until the submission deadline

Guidance on Call 1

Find everything you need to know for the call, including a tailored guidance note, updated information about the thematic framework, and useful links at guidance for applicants.

Find partners

Use our project ideas platform to browse published ideas in need of partners or make your own idea visible to potential partners.