This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

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Apply for the REGIOSTARS Awards 2021

12 February 2021 - Published by Anne Sofie Forfang

You can now apply for the hottest prize in European regional development, the REGIOSTARS Awards! The awards are given to innovative, EU-funded projects that demonstrate new approaches in regional development.

If your project has delivered strong results and impacts, we encourage you to go for these awards.

Who can apply?

All EU-funded projects that commenced after 1 January 2007 may apply providing they fall under one of the categories. However, as there is stiff competition, stellar performance and great results are clearly required for your project to stand a chance. 

Please note: If your project has applied for the REGIOSTARS Awards once before, you may re-apply this year. 


To apply, your project must fall under one of this year’s five categories:

  1. SMART Europe: Increasing the competitiveness of local businesses in a digital world.
  2. GREEN Europe: Green and resilient communities in urban and rural setting.
  3. FAIR Europe: Fostering inclusion and anti-discrimination.
  4. URBAN Europe: Promoting green, sustainable and circular food systems in functional urban areas.
  5. TOPIC OF THE YEAR: Enhancing green mobility in the regions: European Year of Rail 2021.

Success factors

The jury will evaluate applications against the following criteria: Innovation; results and impacts; financial sustainability beyond project lifetime; transferability of your outcomes; and citizen engagement with special attention to young people.  

How to apply

A maximum of five projects per Interreg programme can apply. You will therefore need endorsement from the Joint Secretariat to submit your application.   

To apply, please fill in the application form below and submit this to the Joint Secretariat together with 2-3 images by 6 April 2021.

  • Please use WeTransfer to send your images and application to
  • Please use ”RegioStar Awards – [project acronym]” in the subject line.

Learn more about the RegioStars Awards 2021

See the guide for applicants

Download the application form

What happens next?

We will notify you if your project is selected or not by 16 April. The secretariat will support the selected projects to finalise their applications for formal submission to the European Commission by 9 May.