This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

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A year without compare

10 June 2021 - Published by Anne Sofie Forfang

As we all know, the year 2020 turned out to be a most challenging and unusual one. North Sea Region projects had to continuously take stock and adapt to the Covid-19 situation, in some cases even completely change their planned actions for the entire year. On top of this, Brexit kicked in with its own stack of issues to handle and clarify. 

Looking back on last year, our projects did a most impressive job under the circumstances. They reinvented their cooperation methods, revised their plans, and continued to produce outputs and results, against the odds.  

We are therefore unusually proud to present the summary of our annual report for 2020. Join us for a ride down memory lane to relive a year that was full of challenges, but certainly also had its high points!

Download the annual report summary (pdf)

Or browse the summary below: