This is a legacy website covering the VB (2014-2020) North Sea Region Programme.

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20 Expressions of Interest approved

01 December 2017 - Published by Anne Sofie Forfang
The Programme Steering Committee has approved nearly half of all expressions of interest received in Call 4.

Our Steering Committee has approved 20 new expressions of interest for projects that seek to raise the profile of the North Sea Region within our four programme priorities:

undefined   Priority 1: Thinking growth

Priority 2: Eco-innovation

undefined   Priority 3: Sustainable NSR 
undefined    Priority 4: Green transport and mobility 

Applicants had submitted 41 expressions of interest in total, so the approval rate is close to 50%. 

The  ideas presented in the approved submissions cover a wide range of topics; what they have in common is a strong, transnational set-up involving complementary expertise from the countries around the North Sea, and the fact that they tackle common challenges that are of specific importance to the North Sea Region. 

The figure below shows the distribution of the 20 approved expressions of interest on the four Programme priorities:



The partnerships behind the approved expressions of interest may now start to develop full applications for Call 5 (open Friday 29 December 2017 - Monday 5 March 2018).