Funding opportunity: Join our next call

06 December 2018 - Published by Anne Sofie Forfang

If you have a project idea in mind, do not miss this opportunity to obtain funding for your project idea.  

The next round of expressions of interest (Call 10) will be open 2 January - 8 April 2019. During this period, you can work on your application in our Online Monitoring System. However, you can already now start your preparations to stand a better chance of success.

Who can apply?

Organisations located in the North Sea Region are eligible to apply for funding. Your project concept must involve transnational cooperation involving at least three North Sea Region countries, and your idea must fall within one of our four priorities.

Why you should apply in Call 10  

This is a unique chance to obtain co-financing for a transnational project in the North Sea Region. Though 48 projects are now already approved, there are still funds available to cover a number of additional projects running mid-2023.

Submitting an expression of interest is rather straightforward, and once it has been approved you can work on your full application with confidence. You should also be aware that you can only submit a full application based on an approved expression of interest (or a previously rejected full application). The approval rate of full applications is high - over 50% of full applications are successful.  

How to prepare 

To start preparing for a successful application, check out our Call 10 resources page. This package of information provides you with all the knowledge you need to proceed. 

Explore the resources for Call 10

In addition, we are offering an Interwork event in The Hague16-17 January 2018. This event is designed to support applicants in Calls 9 and 10 and provides the opportunity to meet other applicants and potential partners.  

Learn more and register for the Interwork event