Cooperating for the future
We do this by supporting innovative partnerships to work together across borders. In our projects, teams of innovators strive to make the North Sea Region a smarter, greener and more liveable place for its 60+ million citizens.
Investing in a brighter future
In the 2014-2020 period, we support 73 projects in the North Sea Region with approximately €177 million. All projects address one of four main themes. Together, they cover a wide range of aspects that are pressing in our region.
In our projects, public sector organisations work together with companies, academia, and NGOs. This set-up enables practitioners and experts to find viable solutions to complex problems.It also provides a perfect test bed for piloting new ideas in a variety of real-life settings.
Most partnerships are unlikely to happen without Interreg suport. But once set up, many networks and partnerships continue working together long after the project has been completed.
Interreg in a nutshell
Interreg is a family of more than 100 EU programmes supporting regional development and cohesion across the European Union. In Interreg, cooperation is a key tool to ensure a vibrant future for all.
We are proud to be part of Interreg - a key driver of a more sustainable and inclusive Europe.
New funding available
While the current funds are fully allocated, new funding is available in the new programme.
Get in touch
Feel free to contact the Joint Secretariat with any queries you might have.
Stay in touch
The North Sea Region - home to game-changing ideas
Learn about our impacts
The Citizen Summary of our annual reports capture the latest highlights and overall achievements reached so far. |