
Energy Challenges UK Video Content

05 February 2020 - Published by Debbie Glen
Energy Challenges UK has produced multiple videos on three main different topics from our programme: Energy, Plastics and Biodiversity.

All these videos have been uploaded to the Energy Challenges UK website for schools to use and support them through the content. Adventurer, Pip Stewart, and actor and presenter, Cel Spellman, kindly supported us by being the face of many videos.



Pip Stewart suggests having a ‘turn down’ day.

The school would forewarn the children to bring in a spare jumper and then turns the heating down to 18 degrees Celsius. This has been done in a few schools and most didn’t even notice a difference.


Cel encourages our schools to enter the Better Energy School AwardsThese award excellence in environmental education, and lots of prizes are available to the schools and they can explain the difference that they have made and have this recognised.


Cel suggests an 'electricity-free day' at school or home. This enables the children to see just what it's like to go a day without using electricity but also, when they have been using it and didn’t necessarily even need to. It is a great challenge for the children who may have never gone a day in their life without it!


Pip challenges our schools to create ‘walking buses’ where the children walk to school and pick other students up on the way. Encouraging the reduction in carbon emissions as well as money and increasing their exercise intake.

This is a simple step that could reduce fuel consumption drastically.