4th Partner Meeting in Antwerp,Belgium

Event duration: 3 days (3rd - 5th April 2019)
Venue: Province of Antwerp, Koningin Elisabethlei 22, 2018 Antwerp
We would like to welcome you at the International Partner Meeting in the lovely town of Antwerp from Wednesday April 3rd to Friday 5th.


This week, the international 2IMPREZS partnership will meet for the fourth time. The meeting will be held in Antwerp, where the partners will be convening in the brand new office building of Province of Antwerp. One highlight of this particular venue is the province’s new CO2-neutral building, which the 2IMPREZS partnership will tour.

Main topics on the agenda will be the organisation of the international Energy Challenges Finale, how to calculate the results & winners of the schools and a view on how the 2IMPREZS interoperable energy optimisation model, E. Wattson™, is doing.





